Sunday, April 3, 2011

Worldly Things

On Sunday at church, I asked for prayer. This very nice young woman came over to me and prayed over me. I've been deciding whether to live in Haiti during the school year and initially a lot of worldly things seemed to be holding me back. After she was done praying for me, she told me that she felt that worldly things were holding me back...exactly what I had been thinking since I found out 3 days earlier.

I feel like worldly things are getting in the way of everything and everyone and what I would be doing by giving it all up. Yes, I could be making a lot of money and be able to finally buy a nice new car but will that solve the struggles that I still have now? Will my life be ultimately changed in the eyes of God if I stay here? Maybe. But I think that he has greater plans for me. I want to know what it is like to give everything up and follow Jesus in what He is asking me to do.

"Then Jesus said to his disciples, “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me."
Matthew 16:24


  1. How wonderful is it when the Lord speaks so clearly and directly to you!? This post made me really happy and excited for you. It sounds like you have a loving heart for Haiti. I will definitely be praying that if it is the Lord's will for you to go that he will increase that passion to go and bring you so much clarity. And if it isn't the right time to go, I will pray that God will give you other opportunities to use your serving heart. I'm stoked for your willingness and humility, you will definitely be blessed for those things!

  2. Then I say follow whole-heartedly! "In you, Lord, I put my trust". May God lead and guide you and fill you with incomprehensible peace. Keep us updated!

  3. Denying yourself from the temporary worldly satisfaction cannot anywhere nearly compare to God's great gifts and adventure that are awaiting you.

    This reminds me of Darin's silly example of his friend taking his kids to McDonald's rather than Disneyland because they refused to trust that their dad had something so much cooler planned out for them. It's silly but yet a great example that has stuck with me =)

  4. "And he said to them, 'Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.' Immediately they left their nets and followed him." Matthew 4:19-20

    Your obedience to the Lord's prompting is so encouraging, Lindsey. Continue to walk in faith and know that God's plans are so much greater. You're on the right path. Continue to follow on that path; As it grows narrower and the world will become smaller as God's glory becomes greater.

  5. learning to hold loosely to the blessings and clinging to the blesser is one of the greatest lessons we can learn. He is enough.

  6. earnestly seek Him and He will direct your paths. : ) Praying for you Lindsey, right now!!!

  7. I am SOOOOOO proud of you! It takes a lot to admit that what's holding you back is worldly things. But it's definitely an honest confession. But seriously, I am so excited that God is choosing you to take this job and go to Haiti! I really think He is going to use you in HUGE ways! I'm praying for you and I am so excited for you!

  8. huge decision. i know there's a lot of discerning you need to do for yourself right now, but as a part of the information to discern, i would encourage you to go. if anything, to make more of an adventure out of this life and to do it in the name of Jesus. what a beautiful opportunity we all have.

  9. I am so excited for you :) Your heart makes the Lord so proud!!! I like what Bayley wrote... I agree. So glad we have been able to talk about this grand adventure. Praying for you in all of this.

  10. AMEN SISTER! I have been feeling so enslaved to the things of this world also. My prayer is roll all my burdens upon the Lord and leave all the things of this world behind. This post reminded me of a song which has recently grown dear to my heart. It is entitled "take the world but give me Jesus." I cry nearly every time I hear it! I want so badly to let all the crap go and run after my Savior full throttle. Thanks for such an insightful post. Blessings.
